Friday 2 April 2010

This One Is Just B*llocks

Hello fellow truth seekers I apologise for my extended absence. I've been trying to crack my biggest case so far and I've made alot of progress. Hopefully I can share my findings with you soon. To get back in to the swing of things I'm going to present you with another of Mike's Minis. This time we're investigating the theory that Stephen King was the one who really assassinated John Lennon in 1980. This is the belief of Steve Lightfoot, you can read more about his John Lennon theory on his site here. He basically claims that Stephen King in league with Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan plotted to murder John Lennon with Mark Chapman being a patsy. He alledges that Chapman and King look similar, let's take a look:

This is Mark Chapman and...

This is Stephen King.

I guess they do look likely similar if you really squint.

Mr. Lightfoot summarises his theory like this:

"The story about Mark Chapman is a cover-up. Bold print government cryptographic codes that include the killer’s face and true identity, the killer’s alleged name and letter to the editor printed before the murder and Richard Nixon’s book, The Real War, in back issues of Time, Newsweek, and US News and World Report magazines printed before, during, and after the night of December 8, 1980 prove that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan arranged for the author Stephen King, then barley famous, to assassinate John Lennon. That King’s writings draw, dramatically, from the crime and that he taunts us all in his interviews and comments only makes this the story of a lifetime." (Taken from Mr. Lightfoot's website)

Do I, M.V.D. the greatest of all conspiracy crackers, believe that there was a conspiracy involving 2 American presidents and a soon to be world famous author to kill John Lennon? Well you all know I love a good conspiracy but this is just lunacy. One demented man using the internet to spread his brand of paranoia to anyone that will read. Which is nothing like what I do with Michael Van Dyke's Truth Movement. I only write about real conspiracies. I'm perfectly sane. Honest...